Christmas Tree Blessing

For many households, the Christmas tree holds a special place. This blessing provides an opportunity to explore this tradition more deeply.

A special hand out is available for the Christmas Tree milestone, request a copy.

You may choose to do the following as part of your family devotions or at another time. Ideally it is done right after the tree is decorated and before it is lit for the first time.

  • Scripture reading: Jeremiah 33:14-15
  • Reflection – ask everyone to choose one ornament on the tree.
    • why did you choose this ornament? Why is it special to you?
    • What is one memory you have about putting up the Christmas tree from previous years?
    • What do you look forward to most about decorating the Christmas tree?
  • Prayer – select one of the following
    • God our creator, we praise you for this Christmas tree, gift of the earth and sign of your evergreen presence. As we illumine this tree, let your blessing come upon us. Send us your Son, the tender branch of Jesse, who brings us light and life. May we who stand in its light eagerly welcome the true Light that never fades. All glory be yours now and forever. Amen. – From Augsburg Fortress, Sundays and Seasons.
    • God, you created the world around us to remind us of your love. May this tree remind us of how you gave your son, Jesus Christ, to us that we might live in you.
  • Turn on the tree lights and all join together in reading the following blessing:
    This tree is a blessing to our home. It reminds us all that is beautiful and of God’s promise. It stands in our home as a tree of light, a sign of Jesus’ presence with us as the Light of the World.
  • Sing a Carol
  • End by sharing some hot chocolate or another treat
  • For Families with small Children, you may wish to read one of the following story books together: